Video for Movie Room

I'm looking for a new video display for a room that will be used for movies, games, etc. I would prefer not to have to have complete darkness at all times, so I wonder if projectors are out?? I'm interested in budget projectors as well as large rear projection tvs. I need 55+ inches. Budget is $1800 or less and used if fine.


If your room can handle the size,a good rear projection system could fit the bill.They can handle some ambient room light,i.e. daytime viewing.A lot of them are being replaced by flat panel TVs,so they are quite affordable.I've seen Pioneer Elite sets going for less than $1K.The Elite Pro-610/620HD sets are 58" and the 710/720 are 64".The x30 models were the last to be produced and have had some problems.But I believe they have DVI inputs,whereas the x10/x20 models do not.I own the PRO-520 (53") and it's been a great looking set.
I read avsforum, but find the organization difficult. Too often you find yourself reading a long series of rants about some detail or another. An 80" plasma or LCD will be very expensive. I'm trying to work out a combination of fixed screen front projection for movies and special programs and 40" to 48" LCD TV on a trolly that can be rolled in for casual viewing.

In my case, I want to eliminate the 36 XBR that sits between my front speakers. When we temporarily removed that unit, stereo imaging was vastly improved.

There are some very good and bright front projectors out now, including the mitsubishi HD1000 I believe, which is under a $1000 and is getting good reviews, as well as the new panasonic mentioned. Your room does not have to be completey dark with a PJ, but the lighting you do use has to be well thought out. Making use of indirect lighting features, darker lamp shades that keep the light down and off of the screen and dimmers to fine tune it all for the different types of programming. you can go brighter for news and sports and dimmer for movies and dark TV programs. I do this in my room to great effect.