What is it that you don't like about your Listening Room ?

too small is my bet for the ... ah... biggest response
I FINALLY have a dedicated room and am REALLY thankful for this. However, although it is a decent size the stupid ceiling is too low. This is in the basement and the ceiling tiles are hung as high as they can go but they are still not quite even 8' high. I would SO much prefer a higher ceiling as I suspect this is the reason I am being forced to listen near field. It seems this is the only configuration where the sound is best.
Dedicated room, dedicated line, acoustic treatment.
No complaints. Been doing this since 1975, hands down best sounding system I've ever owned.
@reubent , @rockadanny , room treatment. Had the same problems until acoustic treatment.

...my neighbors.
They hit wall with heavy object when my listening room is too loud.