What is it that you don't like about your Listening Room ?

too small is my bet for the ... ah... biggest response

+1 and my room is also used as a dining room as well, hence the primary reason for going active
It took me a while to get the "one note" bass sound controlled in my 24' x 26' "man cave", but with the help of10 bass traps with the help of the REW software and a calibration microphone, the room sounds awesome!
...it'd be nicer if it was adjacent to a lake. *S*

I'm planning to have one next to a 'Personal Forest'....deafen the birds and critters....;)
asvjerry.....see my post about the view.....a hyper blessing and a curse....the sqwacking of herons, gulls, the eagle is pretty quiet but gets the ravens stirred up, i love the plucky kingfisher..they all seem to emanate from the left channel..ha