Phono Stage Recommendation $3000

Hi Guys
Want to upgrade my Phono Stage. 
Currentky I have 2 TTs, a Project Debut Carbon with a Denon DL 103R paired to a Project Tube Box DS. My second TT is a Clearaudio Preformence DC with a Dynavector Karat D17 paired to an Avid Pellar. Rest of my equipment is B&W 800d, Classe CTM 600, Ayre KX-R. As most of my system I would like a tube phono if possible and 2 Inputs if at all doable. 
I would consider the Luxman E-250 a little under your price but is highly adjustable to your cart of choice. Also has a mono switch and a cart de-magnitizer. 
Top 5 that keep popping up are chinook, jc3+, h-1201, herron and zesto 1.2. Chhinook is cheapest and others are under 3 in used market. 
Go for a Herron Audio VTPH-2A.  I have heard nothing better at any price, nothing equaling it anywhere near it's price. 
If you have tubes in your front end, Pass Labs XP15 phonostage sounds great, and has been replaced by the XP17, so there are some floating around at very good deals.  Mark at Reno HiFi is the best, and he's a true gentleman.

The only thing I think you will be giving up is a second input, but you will be getting unbelievable sound, with a noise floor that is SILENT.  And, the unit has nearly limitless adjustment settings for load, etc.