One more thought for anyone interested in weighing in. What is the weakest point of my system:
Emotiva BASX PT-100 PreAmp
Def Tech SM350 Speakers
Schiit Vidar or NuForce STA-200. (tbd) Amp
wiring is quality interconnects and 12 gauge 99+% copper speaker cable with banana post connections.
Keep in mind this is a home office closed in at 12’ X 12’ space. Sources vary from Rega Turntable to Apple TV or Amazon Fire streaming HD digital content.
Greatly appreciate any experienced input.
Emotiva BASX PT-100 PreAmp
Def Tech SM350 Speakers
Schiit Vidar or NuForce STA-200. (tbd) Amp
wiring is quality interconnects and 12 gauge 99+% copper speaker cable with banana post connections.
Keep in mind this is a home office closed in at 12’ X 12’ space. Sources vary from Rega Turntable to Apple TV or Amazon Fire streaming HD digital content.
Greatly appreciate any experienced input.