What is your favorite budget audio component?

Just wondering for the sake of curiosity and general sharing and education among audiophiles, “What is your favorite budget audio component?” And as a bonus, “Why do you consider it budget and why is it good?” 
Since budget might be relative, I would say audio gear like MBL, Wilson MAXX speakers or anything ultra high end should not be considered.

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My favorite budget component is a crown DC150 A series II I got in trade for labor.  I removed a woofer and reconed it for my church. I cleaned up the old Leslie and made sure the belts and lube were good.  They had a slightly used DC 150 II sitting around.  I asked how much? They said free!  It is not being used, we know you will use it.  You can get them for about $300.00 bucks.  The 45 year old sounds great with lots of kick and power, clean good low end, bright highs, detail and good for a small townhome. Not at all esoteric.   And it still specs at 94 RMS L and 93 RMS R, into am 8 ohm load before starting to clip.  (90W claimed when new.)Not bad for that age!  The Electrolitics tested good too!  Amazing great old time build quality?  You did say budget, I say its great for me! (Not wealthy)
The Lumin D1 digital player with Linear Tube Audio linear power supply
It is very analog sounding and total under $2500 and bests 
Many at several times this price.
Eminent Technology LFT-8b loudspeakers. Restored Quad ESLs. Both great speakers for chump change, they embarrass far more expensive ones.
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