Amp upgrade advice

I am looking to upgrade the amplifiers in 2 of my systems and could really use some advice from experience audiophiles.  I’ve laid out the current systems in my office and kitchen below.   I am happy with the pre-amps and speakers in both rooms.  They are both augmented by subwoofers.  I am interested in upgrading the Amps.  I’ve listed the amps I currently have.  I’m planning to sell thee current Adcom’s to fund upgrades with a few extra dollars.  My research is pointing me to the B&K Reference 125.2 amp.  Both rooms are smaller with smaller speakers so I am thinking quality Amps rated at 125 W should be plenty.

I am asking for your advice:  Am I on the right track?

Office. (12’ x 12’   Closed room)
Pre-Amp. Emotiva BAS X PT-100
Speakers Definitive Tech SM350

Kitchen ( 10’ x 20’. With one open side)
Pre- Amp. Emotiva UMC-200
Speakers Paradigm Reference Millenia One

Amp’s to sell?
Adcom GFA-555 MKII
Adcom GFA-545 MKII

Looking at B&K Reference 125.2

Thank you for any advice.

@randy-11: Completely agree with your comment on room treatments for a room this size.

Ceiling is about 7’ tall with drop ceiling.  Tiles are fairly sound absorptive.  The SM 350’s are on the small side but very detailed and wide range.  I also have a small sub to augment.  My seating location is strategically located in a corner where sound is balanced.
B&K amps seemed dark to me, you're coming from listening to adcom power as I did years ago you will likely find the same thing and be disappointed like I was. Look at ATI or other newer amps from them like Outlaw or  Monoprice, or amps like Anthem and Bryston.  Of course you can spend more but it comes down to personal taste. Parasound is a good middle ground in sound between your Adcoms and the B&K you're looking at.  Maybe 1 Anthem for one room and 1 Parasound for the other?

I used to have an Adcom 545 and a B&K 200.5 multi-channel. The Adcom was a very early amp and I ended up not being impressed with it at all. It was okay, but it was warm sounding and very dirty (not clean at all).

The B&K had tons of current and sounded great. They had great slam, power and impact! I think it’s significantly better than the Adcom, but after a few years I felt it was still too warm for me. If you like the warm sonic signature, the B&K is a great option.

If you want something faster and cleaner, the Emotiva amps are an option, but they will be bright/harsh unless you upgrade the fuses to something like an Isoclean. The Isoclean is a warm fuse that tames the harshness of the Emotiva.

Parasound is a good choice. If you can swing for a Parasound A23, do it. They are expensive, but worth it.