Most overrated bands

What are some examples of seriously overrated bands? My candidates are

1. Led Zeppelin
2. Velvet Underground
3. U2
4. Ramones
5. The Who
Uh, yeah, I know, Geoff. That was my point. Hel-loo! I, like Bob, love Ricky Nelson (he is dismissed as a lightweight by R & R historians), Bobby Vee (whom Dylan played with before leaving Minnesota), and Doug Sahm. Beck? Nope, sorry. Mediocre songs, not much of a singer (c’mon, you know it’s true ;-), haphazard accompaniment.
Neil Young after he quit smoking pot about the time of his brain aneurysm around 2005. Since then a few flashes of brilliance but basically just a steady release of less then stellar work compared to before.
Dylan enjoys putting people on. Fair enough? 😛 I like She’s About a Mover and Rubber Ball as much as the next guy, but come on! As far as Beck goes, I suspect it’s a generation thing. 😀
I saw Bob play live many times & enjoyed every concert. Whenever I took one of my kids with me they were not nearly as impressed (even though they've been listening to him since literally in the womb), so it could be a generational thing. One of the best shows was right before or just after he released "Tempest". My Morning Jacket & Wilco headlined for Bob on that one. Excellent show all the way through.