New Yggdrasil - First (and second) Impressions

Okay, so I’ve finally (on order over 2 months) received my Schiit Yggdrasil. The unit arrived in exactly perfect condition (i.e. well packaged).

Upon first (and second) listening through all sources/inputs, I would need a stethoscope to discern any difference among my current components and connectivity. I also cannot detect any difference using the phase inversion button.

I suppose the aforementioned is a testament to how good my current system (before/without Yggy) already sounds. :)

I can easily A-B test because the Yggy is hooked in via balanced and my other components are also hooked directly to amp via RCA or USB.

Also, obviously I have NOT let the unit "burn in" for days because I just got it, however, it has come to full operational temperature after being powered on continuously over 24 hours.

System configuration: (Yggdrasil > XLR > Musical Fidelity M6si integrated amplifier > Golden Ear Triton Reference speakers )
all cables blue jeans cables "best" offering

Emotiva ERC-3 CD player > AES/EBU > Yggdrasil
Oppo UDP-205 blue ray player > coax > Yggdrasil
Samsung SMT-C5320 cable box > optical > Yggdrasil
Gateway NV79 Windows 10 64-bit computer > USB > Yggdrasil

I’ll be patient, but if there are any suggestions to "try" in order to hear *some* audible difference, that would be great. Appreciate any feedback you have.

I appreciate you are looking for an “incremental” upgrade. I guess that’s why you wouldn’t be interested in experimenting with an Equitech ( 2Q ) who’s users read like a who’s who in extreme tech and engineering circles (NASA comes to mind). The improvement would fall outside the scope of ‘ incremental ‘. I get it. Best wishes. 
Including also the innumerable recording and finishing studios that wouldn’t start a session without Equitech. Oh well, what do pros, who rely on their sound for their sound and reputation know ?  
I’ve come to think you’d simply prefer to talk about Schitt.

Bit hard there ptss, if you read his first post, he couldn't get a better sound from it than the Oppo UDP-205 for quite a while.

Cheers George  

As I previously stated I’m not using balanced power, but I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t provide an “immediate” and “significant” improvement to the sound I already have. If I’m wrong, oh well. Suffice it to say that for now and at this point in my life I'm rather satisfied with the sound my system is capable of. I do appreciate your recommendation(s), however.


Bit hard there ptss, if you read his first post, he couldn’t get a better sound from it than the Oppo UDP-205 for quite a while.

Actually George, as you read the thread further you could/should deduce your statement is not true.

In fact, there was/is better sound right from the get-go. I simply wasn’t able to readily detect it on account of not realizing what specific characteristics to listen for, nor did I play the source music material to reveal the difference(s).

I primarily listen to the Grateful Dead. Trust me, they sound grate on any system. Even their recordings that are less than "exactly perfect" recording quality wise are overshadowed by the music itself.

Further, my sound prior to Yggy was/is very good to begin with.