These are both excellent players however, with the emergence
of high quality music streaming especially with MQA I would recommend that you look at a player with digital inputs so if you wish to try out a streaming service you can do so.
Unless you allready own a dac of course.
We are recommending to our clients to digitize their libraries and use a streamer and you can get some awesome sound with all the modern convenience of modern streaming sources, access to brand new music fast and easily, and total ease of access with an Ipad or Android app.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
of high quality music streaming especially with MQA I would recommend that you look at a player with digital inputs so if you wish to try out a streaming service you can do so.
Unless you allready own a dac of course.
We are recommending to our clients to digitize their libraries and use a streamer and you can get some awesome sound with all the modern convenience of modern streaming sources, access to brand new music fast and easily, and total ease of access with an Ipad or Android app.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ