Which audio component would you like Santa to place under the christmas tree for you?

If you are not of Christian faith, and do not believe in Christ please take no offense to my post. If you think you have been sufficiently good enough to receive a gift, like the one Santa Claus may bring during the Christmas holiday, please post your wish. “What would you want Santa to leave for you, under the Christmas tree this holiday?” As a bonus...”What audio component would you gift another”?
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I’ve asked Santa (aka my wife) for a Schiit Jotunheim headphone amp to power my new Audeze LCD-2’s!

@czarivey I hope not!!! To experience the ultimate Big Bang/Kaboom in all its audio beauty is Not on my Christmas Wish list
i will stick to Audeze dreams...

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Hmmm maybe a Keith Monks RCM? Santa might have a hard time getting one of those down the chimney so maybe Rudolph could leave it on the back porch...