CleanerVinyl-Ultrasonic record cleaner

I purchased a Cleanervinyl Pro recently and am very impressed with it! I have used vacuum style cleaners for many years. Last year I purchased a $3000.00 vacuum style record cleaner and thought that was about as good as I was going to get for cleaning records, but I was wrong. The CleanerVinyl Pro system cost me around $600.00, it is far superior to vacuum style cleaners. I took some lp’s that I couldn’t get fully clean with my Vacuum record cleaner and was able to get them clean with the CleanerVinyl system. You can see the crud that collects in the bottom of the machine, and these were already cleaned with a vacuum record cleaner.
What was your vacuum cleaning process? One-step, two-step...? If the latter, did you change the Vacuum wand, so there was a wand dedicated for the first step, and then another for the final/rinse process? Glad you're enjoying your new Ultrasonic cleaner. Cheers -Don
Hi Don,

I use a two step process. My cleaner is a point nozzle vacuum machine. A piece of nylon string rides between the nozzle and record which is changed for each side of cleaning. I think vacuum type cleaners are good, but I feel the ultrasonic machines do a better job, especially on vintage records. Just my opinion of course!

Best regards,
I recently built my own from a design found on DIY Audio. It cleans four LP's at once, and does a great job. All for the grand total of $200. Couldn't be happier with it. I now enjoy records I previously deemed unplayable.

+1 Dan.  IMO, ultrasonic cleaning is the single greatest advance in vinyl playback since the Discwasher brush.  Vacuum units do work, but not as well as one might hope.  The ultrasonic technology removes all surface debris that can be removed.  While it can't fix a damaged record, it will allow you to discover nuances and detail you might not have known were there.

Happy listening!