Anyone heard the Unison Unico Due cdp ?

Having made up my mind to purchase a SimAudio Neo 260D transport and Shiit Yggy, a friend has told me that the most recent local audio club meeting featured a demo of this Unico player. Apparently, all in attendance were floored by its musicality.  No-one wanted to talk gear-- they just wanted to listen. I'd intended to get away from tubes (having replaced my Jolida tubed integrated with a ss Wells Audio Majestic, which has proven to be a terrific choice). However, my friend's enthusiasm for the Italian cdp/dac/streamer is forcing me to reconsider. . . Anyone out there have any experience with this piece?
BTW: the Pavanes I found for sale online turned out to be discontinued models, although they were not identified as such by the dealer, which strikes me as somewhat shady, although Metrum defended this practice. At any rate,  the current Pavane price is over $6000 -- too much for me!  


Your tubitis is not justified, tubes in a low level circuit can last for 10 years, or more, and tubes used in this capacity are usually very inexpensive so if you really wanted to be paranoid then you could replace the tubes in four or five years.

The Unison stuff is fantastic. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
So that's that your diagnosis, doc: "tubitis" ? Is there a vaccine available? 
Rude stage CD/DACs are awesome! I have the Oppo 205 Modwright and love it! I would like to demo the DUE :)