The"more bad news at Thiel" thread panicked me a bit.
I am still deciding on which Thiels -
2.7 or 3.7 - to keep and I'll want spare drivers for whichever one (e.g.
spare coax and spare woofers/passive). I spoke to Rob G. and as I
understood it, the spare parts business is still associated with Thiel
at this point. Though he can't say (doesn't know) how this will all
turn out, he does still have plenty of spare parts for Thiel legacy speakers and should have them still available for the foreseeable future.
I still think I need to speed up my process of deciding so I know which drivers to order. My new attempts to pair the 2.7s with subwoofers have really slowed me down though. It's amazing what an absolute pain in the ass subwoofers are to integrate into my system. (And subs are a PIA generally, if you want to get them right).