Family room:
EVS modified Oppo Sonica DAC into
Ars-Sonum Filarmonia SE integrated amp into
Merlin TSM Black Magic Speakers on custom Skylan stands.
Roughly $5500 (purchased the Ars-Sonum and Merlins used) for some of the best digital sound I've ever heard (saying a lot since I'm a vinyl guy; my main system is vinyl/tube only). The only thing missing is the lower octave.
EVS modified Oppo Sonica DAC into
Ars-Sonum Filarmonia SE integrated amp into
Merlin TSM Black Magic Speakers on custom Skylan stands.
Roughly $5500 (purchased the Ars-Sonum and Merlins used) for some of the best digital sound I've ever heard (saying a lot since I'm a vinyl guy; my main system is vinyl/tube only). The only thing missing is the lower octave.