Solid state DAC under 12K retail preferably with ethernet

Looking to upgrade from AMR DP-777 and go solid state.
These are the ones I know or read about: Bricasti, Berkeley, Aeris, DirectStream, ODSE, Meitner, Luxman DA-06

Am I missing any other important DACs I should be looking at or reading about?
Currently leaning towards Bricasti M1 SE.

Rest of my system: Coincident Frankenstein Mk 2 300b amps, Devore O96

The Light Harmonic Davinci reference dac beats everything we have compared it to, check out the Davinci in Mattslip’s thread, it even beat the Overdrive as well as a very large number of other state of the art dacs.

Matt’s ODSX still has the older USB interface in it rather than the new Ethernet interface. Ethernet makes all the difference. I could not convince him to do Ethernet or Duelund caps in the DAC. I was refining both of these at the time, but they are solid now.  The jitter is much lower due to the Ethernet interface, and the Duelunds deliver a more coherent sound IMO. I would be interested in a shootout of this version ODSX with the Davinci. This version ODSX will be reviewed soon in audiostream.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

I rarely post comments in user forums but regarding the Bricasti M1 I feel compelled to comment. For the past few months I have owned the M1 limited gold with built in ethernet interface and must say that it is simply the most elegant piece of electronics I have ever had. I have listened to the Berkeley reference dac and have owned the Empirical Audio Overdrive SX but the M1 with ethernet takes sound reproduction to an etherial level. Listening to recordings through the M1 is like hearing them for the first time. Whether red book or high resolution, classical or popular, the imaging and dynamics (macro and micro) is jaw dropping. For the first time ever I find myself experiencing the emotion that the composer intended the listener to experience. It makes listening to recorded music not only pleasurable but exciting. The detail and texture conveyed is simply amazing. Prior to purchasing the M1 I auditioned the Aurender N 10 with my mac mini/Berkeley alpha usb converter and thought the sound was excellent but the M1/ethernet is far superior....and saves you $8000! Before purchasing a high end DAC I urge you to audition this unit. The standard version of the M1 is excellent but the limited gold version is unparalled.

What DAC you were using with N10 audition? Just curious why would you use Mac mini / Berkeley alpha usb converter with N10?
I believe the Bricasti is certified roon-ready, I recently checked the Bricasti and Roon website to confirm it.

Actually, you must add the Bricasti M5 to get Roon-Ready:

You could add the M5 to the Overdrive SX as well.

Steve N

Empirical Audio