@1extreme Polygamy is The Rule: 80+% of human societies are polygamous ( ref from Jared Diamond, not my uneducated thoughts)
But: it all comes down (as with happy wives) to You being able to Provide.., being unable to setup my second Dream system with Maggies I surrender to headphone listening and Walkmans/Discmans, I have dozens of the little Babies...
the very idea of having more than one Boss makes me suicidal!!! Maybe the original reference is actually Universal?!!
But: it all comes down (as with happy wives) to You being able to Provide.., being unable to setup my second Dream system with Maggies I surrender to headphone listening and Walkmans/Discmans, I have dozens of the little Babies...
the very idea of having more than one Boss makes me suicidal!!! Maybe the original reference is actually Universal?!!