Cassette Tape

Whats available today ? Whats best and where can I find it, thanks...
There are lots of unused, still-wrapped blank cassettes in the bins at thrift stores. Buying things when no one else wants them is always the best way to go. 
If it's sealed in the package old stock doesn't matter. And frankly I'm shocked someone is still making cassette tapes! I will say those don't look well made to me, maybe its just the clear plastic but they look cheaply made.
For for the cost NOS cassettes digital is a far more affordable and better sounding medium. However, if cassettes float your boat, have at it.

Want something way batter than cassette? Buy a used Apogee Minime and Microtrack II. Total cost around $300.00. You can now make 2 track 96/24 recordings that kill cassettes all day long.