More than a few people over the years on these pages have said only those SS amps which double down in output power as impedance drops are truly special or worthy amps. Eg., 200 @ 8ohms; 400 @ 4 ohms; 800 @ 2 ohms; etc.
To put it more simply:
No amp will exactly double all the way, anyone who advertises this is stretching the truth.
Ones that can come close to doubling (usually good bi-polar output amps) all the way to 2ohms, can push good current into hard to drive speaker EG: most Wilsons especially Alexia ( .9ohm epdr in the bass) and many other brands.
This is however not an indication of good sound quality, but your half the way there with a "very" important part of the equation to get it, but your half the way there with a very important part of the equation to get it. It's up to you then to sort these out with best one sound wise, as you taken care of the drive (current) factor.
Cheers George