Thinking of replacing my Bat spaceheater with class D, real world thoughts please

Ok so I know there are already lots of threads on class D both negative and positive

As I have had a very positive result with replacing the ss amps in my ht rig with a single tiny Nuforce class D amp I was tempted to look into the same for my stereo rig.

This is a little more difficult as my present amp is a BAT VK600SE, 120LB of muscle and heat.

Now I am in love with my present sound but still am very curious if class D could do anything for me as it certainly did in the ht rig although those ss amps were not in the BAT league to start with.

So I would like to hear from people who have actually gone this route, replaced their expensive, heavy, power consuming amps with tiny little cold running boxes and what their results were.

Was it uplifting, about the same or make you wish you had never heard of class D!

I must admit that now it is cooler it does not feel as
Still have the urge to experiment, dontcwe all.
The nuforce will be here next week, we will hear what we hear!
Two main rationale for the experiment.

Can class d provide the same audio experience for me as present very ungreen ss power amp.

Reduce the heat and power usage the amps kick out.

Both intertwined obviously.

I managed this feat in my av system and I am still very impressed with the sq from such a diminutive little box compared to the pair of 77lb behemoths that were serving duty previously.
I just turned on my BAT space heater for the winter.  It sounds great and the room is warming up nicely.  The W4S gets a winters rest.  
Says it all, you prefer the Bat.

Class D is not a heater beater
Ditto, +1 we (most of us) are all in it for the best sound we can get.

Cheers George
Totally agree George.
But if I can get the best sound in my system AND reduce heat production and power consumption, it will be a very worthwhile trial.