Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Thanks for your welcome, jafant, and for your reply, Prof.

I have some deadlines looming and a family member going through some serious medical issues, so I’ll have to limit my time here. I’ll try to respond to your queries a bit at a time.

My system: AMG Viella turntable with Benz Micro LPS-MR cartridge on an HRS M3X isolation platform; Sonore ultraRendu powered by Uptone Audio LPS-1; Classé CP-800 with on-board phono stage, 192 kHz DAC, and ethernet; Classé CT-2300 stereo amp; Thiel CS3.7s, Thiel SW-1 (retired), 2X JL Audio Fathom f112s, now with solo Thiel PXO5 crossover, but soon to be replaced by Thiel SI-1 Integrator; Stealth cables: hyperphono, Indra v10, Dream; GIK room treatments: early reflection points, corner soffit bass traps, array of 50 Hz tuned bass traps on rear wall with “alpha” blonde wood diffusion grills; Isolation and vibration control: various Stillpoints, BDR shelves and cones; Running Springs Audio Dmitri power conditioner with HZ cord. (Most of my gear was purchased used at steep discounts. Still, it adds up.)

I did run the SW-1 in a horizontal position because my wife didn’t approve vertical. This was challenging, because I had to invent an isolation and vibration control system since I have a suspended wood floor. It worked pretty well, but not perfectly. I’m going to try Auralex Subdude IIs under the JLAs, maybe a simpler and more effective solution? In the end, changes to our living room furniture ruled out the horizontal SW-1 for reasons probably similar to those Prof mentioned.

I worked with (free) acoustic consultants at GIK to develop my acoustic treatments. Most of it is standard treatment of early reflection points and soffit traps in the corners. More notable was severe SBIR cancellation off the rear wall. This was killing bass at the listening position. The tuned bass trap array was the only way to solve this, and as promised by GIK, it works. I made numerous measurements with Room Eq Wizard (REW) to understand my room's acoustics and to inform the GIK consultants.

Room treatments are essential to get the best out of your system (but I understand this isn’t always possible — I’d like to also treat early reflections off our ceiling, but that’s a bridge too far). In particular, low bass will muddy up your high end if you don’t control low-end reverberation times. Adding a sub can make this problem worse. This might be why some people find that adding a sub makes their system sound rolled off on top.

Prof, check out these links related to subs in general and an interesting case study of getting phase and time-coherent integration with JLA subs and a Marchand crossover.

Unfortunately, in my case, I'd have to put my subs right next to me on the sofa to replicate this solution in my room (heh).  I don't want to push Marchand too hard, in part because I've never heard or touched one. But based on what I've read, they should be just as compatible with JLA subs as the CR-1. Compare the controls on the XM66 to the CR-1, I think they're very similar.
Good to see you- catalysis
after we clear this holiday season, I will contact Rob Gillum and attempt to get some information on this situation, as well as his own at Thiel customer service.

Happy Listening!
Very nice gear selection- ish_mail
I know your CS 3.7 delivers hours of musical joy. Serious room treatment applications as well. I look forward in reading more about your system, tastes in music.
Happy Listening!

Classy system you have there.

How ironic: I didn't bid on the Thiel integrator because I thought it was only good for Thiel subwoofers and I have JL. But here I see you are using it to integrate JL subwoofers too!   Live and learn...

Thank you for all that info.  I have indeed already investigated the sounddoctor site and intend to get the CD.

I see what you mean about the Marchand crossover.  Will investigate.