power conditioner

I am almost done with putting my system together. I have a Mac 452 amp, Mac 550 cd, Mac MT-10 turntable and a Mac C2500 pre amp. looking to see would be a good power conditioner/surge protector for a reasonable cost. 
The room I am using the equipment in is wired with 15 amp wiring. I read a lot  the Furman and Panamax sounds like they are the same company but the equipment is very different. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

And what about the High End Munchen 2015 - AudioQuest Niagara 7000 video you posted? I listened (at 1.5 or 2 x speed) the first 15 minutes and didn't hear/see anything worth remembering. 
Power conditioners always introduce warts that I can't live with.  I have top plugs, cables, and a whole house spike eliminator wired in the main box.  Sounds good to me.
Whichever brand you choose- gbprint6559
make sure the conditioner does not limit (steal) current from your system.
Happy Listening!

Not my issue if you choose not to learn anything. Maybe you should watch the whole video. Just a suggestion.

Poor choice of words on my part in my prior post. Please accept my apologies.

I had a knee jerk reaction given that in your previous post you had mentioned balanced power. I didn't hear anything in the video explain or otherwise address that. Additionally, while you did mention the Audio Quest Niagara, the OP mentioned he/she is looking for a solution of "reasonable cost". IMO the Audio Quest Niagara series (any model) doesn't meet that criteria.