Anyone heard the new Focal Grande Utopia EM?

Here is a nice write up of the new JM Labs / Focal Grande Utopia EM. There is some truly amazing technology here. Has anyone heard them?
I hope they find a good replacement fot the Diva. Personally, I liked the older Mini format better. On the other hand, at the current exchange rate, I doubt if I'll be in the market for any of them.
Alright, just watched the Focal promo video on That's some very good marketing btw, getting customers excited about the launch. At 5:25min there is a small 3-way floorstander. Would anybody know what that speaker is? It's not the replacement to the Alto Utopia is it? Looks very interesting. From what I've heard from a Focal dealer, the prices have basically doubled from the past generation though. It seems like they're going to be out of reach for many people.
so its gonna be 36k for a pair of the new Altos then? (18k current x 2) that's insanity. won't sell at all in the US.

even the mezzo was only like 12k right?