What 2 channel Amp would you Buy for $6k?

I plan on spending no more than $6k for power amp (tube or SS), but would like to hear from others what amp they’d get. I’ve done plenty of research, but honestly, I’m burn’t out and now would like to hear from others.

Congrats on the 501s!!!

Although my ‘take’ on them and your own differs somewhat, I read you are well pleased. That’s great.
I honestly felt they were the more ttransparent of the two listening to them on Mac Speakers. More lively. A tick less colorful than the Big 602 which was IMHO a very good amp.. therefore, didn’t think on 802s it was the best possible fit.

Glad it turned out otherwise in your outfit.

Listen long and prosper.

What speakers are you driving? That should be the determining factor. If your looking for nice amp IMHO you should look for a BAT VK-200 for about a $1000 or Pass Aleph 5 for about $1500 take the remaining $3500-$4k and buy some storeable food because when the North Korean (DRPK) EMP hits you wont be able to eat your stereo...
Pass 250.8 used would be the best sounding and best bang for your bucks.Enjoy!!