Help needed for a skeptic!

I admit I am a cable skeptic and think spending $6k on a set of interconnects is loonie!
I have a set of YG Anat 3’s driven by Chord amps. I am using a Krell Foundation pre-amp. It is driven by a Chord DSX-1000. I have good hardware. I have been reluctant to spend too much on wire do to mu  meeter going off every time I look. I am using balanced interconnects. Mostly Straightwire. My question is what would those who post suggest for speaker wire. I do Bi-Amp my YG’s Right now I am using some Nordost flat cable knock offs. My sound is great but I think a little compressed for my equipment. If one were to try an upgrade on speaker wire under $1000 to bi-amp what are your suggestions?
Benchmark does excellent pro audio balanced cables and so does Bryston. Spending more would be delusional in my view.
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+1 for Folkfreak,
Buying used is probably the best way to go. At least you move past depreciation and can resell items that don't make the cut.
The Cable Company charges 5% of selling price, for auditioning their wires.  That's also applied to the purchase price, if you keep them.   I've been using their, "library" and buying from them for the last decade.  Great guys with which to do business.    (
@rodman99999 while the audition fee is fair and the application of it to purchases is also reasonable the issue with the Cable Company is that their discounts off new cable purchases are far from reasonable -- while they have a "frequent flyer" program all I can say is that the amount they're willing to offer off the list price of a cable (up to 11.5%) is a bit lower than what you can get from other B&M dealers. Of course different cable lines will allow for different discounts but in many cases discounts (or free product in lieu) of 10-20% or more is not uncommon