D'Agostino vs. Ayre

To anyone who has heard the D'Agostino Momentum series amps and the latest Ayre MX-R Twenty, care to compare and contrast the sound?
I find it interesting, in theory, that a designer like Ralph Karsten specifically omits the output transformer in his designs (hence the OTL) to eliminate the distortion caused by the induction in an output transformer. Then someone, like Zero Autoformers, creates a transformer in a box to be added to the signal chain to alter the impedance. But the only thing that matters is the sound. Please let us know what you hear if you try some.

RV said this about the autoformers in my Mac 202...

move on and never look back

he may actually have been more direct
it has been like 7 years....
Mr. V. can be a bit brusque but his heart is in the right place and I value his intuition and knowledge.
Be that as it may, I will give the Zero's a try, and post my impressions.
This is the fun part of putting together stereo systems.
Well, at least for me.

no kidding i chat with him most every week
he would say listen to them for sure !!!!!
There's a gorgeous D'Agostino S-250, 230V,  on Audiogon right now for $23K.
That might be worth running a dedicated 230V circuit for...