Most overrated bands

What are some examples of seriously overrated bands? My candidates are

1. Led Zeppelin
2. Velvet Underground
3. U2
4. Ramones
5. The Who
I didn't say I don't like the Beatle's,   I answered this thread,  they are overrated.
The Beatles are overrated by today's standards, and following the flow during their time. In some ways they where innovators and due to their influence at the time, it seems as if they were THE innovators (of the given changes in the music scene.

Decent performers, early examples of studio rats, combined with good minds and a good creative mix, tied to market penetration at the time.

Somebody had to peak in that window and potentials in market position, and they did. They produced well known memorable works.
<soma70> Thanks for that. I'll check it out now that I've finally got a digital radio. Still limited to FM in my car, ridiculously difficult to change CD/Radios in a Honda hatchback.

If on the PC then its boxing channels on YouTube, Analogue Planet, Daily Audiophile, Bombards Body Language, Steve Hoffmans music forum. Don't listen to music on PC, too much fan noise etc.

Anyone opening for Dylan would do well to do a few covers! Richest musical vein in music. Don't mention Adele. Anyone could have had a hit with that.
Kiss was never rared as never rated very high so how can be overrated? Actually they had one good song. It’s on KISS Unplugged, their cover of the Stones song, 2000 Man.