Sweet Vinyl Sugarcube - I Want It!!!

At the NY Audio Show this past weekend, I got to see and hear the demo of the Sweet Vinyl Sugarcube.  This PC-based stand alone unit is amazing.  Here is what it does:

1.  De-clicks vinyl - and does so completely transparently, and is user-adjustable (more or less filtering of clicks and pops). 

2.  Digitizes vinyl - MP3 through 24/192 resolution.

3.  Locates metadata for LPs being played/digitized, including cover art

4.  Inserts track divisions based on the metadata (wow!).

5.  Compensates for non-RIAA recordings

6.  Plug in apps will do even more, like reducing groove noise.

It inserts in a line-level loop or between your phono preamp and preamp.  It has digital (S/PDIF and USB) outputs as well as analog outputs.

Projected retail is $2500, and they plan a kickstarter campaign soon.

If you spend time digitizing vinyl, this thing is nothing short of a miracle.  I want one so badly I can taste it.

(I am not associated with Sweet Vinyl in any way.)

Bondmanp, I'm a regular production customer, and am wondering how to identify the email used by my Android. I have several email accounts for different purposes. Two accounts are Gmail, but my recovery account isn't. Can you help me determine which they need? I asked Dan, but he doesn't seem to know how to find his own. Thanks!
coryl - Welcome to the club!  I am not much of a techie, but if you have the Play Store app on your Android, you used a gmail address to set it up.  That's the email address you should use.  I hope this helps.
I see the SC-2 is now selling thru Musicdirect for $2900.  As my interest is digitizing my LP's, does anybody here know  when the track splitting is available?   I don't see anything on it in the Musicdirect description.

mallen123:  According to the guys who are in charge at Sweetvinyl, the next suite of features for the SC-2 will be out in late January or February.  These should include track splitting and the ability to send the digitized files over your home network to a server or NAS.  The hardware will not change.  These are all downloadable software updates.  So, if you trust them, you can buy the SC-2 now and wait for the updates.  I had mine delivered without these features, since I run the SC-2 outputs to my CD recorder.  So at least I benefit from the click processing.  But I agree with you on the key importance of the track splitting feature.  And I have said so to the folks at Sweetvinyl.  Frankly, if the SC-2 did everything planned for it, but not the click filtering, I still would have wanted one!

I have digitized a few tracks with the SC-2 onto a thumb drive at 192/24 FLAC.  As far as I can tell, they came out well, but my system only can handle 96/24 right now, and the ability to digitize at intermediate resolutions between Red Book and 192/24 is also a future upgrade at this time.  So I listen through my laptop and entry-level Grado cans. 

The album recognition feature works fairly well, but it is not perfect.  There are planned upgrades that will allow editing of meta data, and submission of corrections to Sweetvinyl in the future. 

I will post here if there any firmware or software updates to my SC-2.

thanks Bondmanp,  I will most likely wait to see how the FW progress's.  I really only want it for digitizing vinyl.  My records are in pretty good condition so the click removal feature is not that necessary for me.