What are the best loudspeakers under $4000 to re-create lifelike piano

Over the past 4 months I've spent time with five loudspeakers.  On a scale of 1-10 I'd rate them as follows in their ability (with my equipment in my room) to recreate a lifelike piano.  Tekton Lore - 6.5 (great scale but tonal accuracy and clarity somewhat lacking),    Kef LS50 - 7.0 (moderate scale but slightly better clarity and tonal accuracy)  Kef R500 - 8.0  (great scale and very good clarity and tonal accuracy), Spatial Audio M3TurboS -8.1 (great scale and very good clarity and tonal accuracy and very smooth)  Magnepan 1.7i - 9.0 (very good scale with excellent clarity and tonal accuracy - very lifelike).

In your room with your equipment, what loudspeakers are you listening too and how would you rate them for their ability to recreate a lifelife piano and if possible a few comments as to why?
Loved my Magnepan 1.7's, but the dynamics and extension of the Tekton DI's created a more realistic piano in my room.
Im going to go with atc on tone and accuracy...ive never heard my music sound/piano...john taylor,ect sounds well... like it should.
The largest Harbeth, Spendor (classic),
or Stirling Broadcast you can afford. All three smoke the entry level Maggies IMO.
I had been playing my Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S speakers thru AntiCables speaker cables ( copper) , then was totally blown away how much everything improved when I switched to Analysis Plus Silver Oval 2 cables . My class D amps are the Gilmore Audio Raptors .
At this point I can not imagine, nor have heard, better . Treble has more clarity with "bite" , but in a natural way and acoustic bass has more of the sound of the " pluck" of the string .Greater clarity and depth to the soundstage . Voices are more real . Don't limit your speakers with lesser cables .