snell a II

who can tell me about the snell acostics A II ?
I would like to buy a used pair but I never heard them. I only heard the big one type one and it was wounderful. Thank you guys.
I have owned 3 pairs of Snell Type As, I feel they are one of the great speakers of all time and are a bargain used. I used them with modest power and alot of power all with fine results, when space permits I will be seeking to find another pair,hopefully within this year.

They just do a whole lot right and are beautiful too look at too, I knew Peter Snell, he gave a damn and had a very good ear, he is missed in the audio world...If you can find a pair...grab them.
I recently picked up a perfect pair of AI's. I have them currently underpowered with 60 tube watts, but I'm looking for new power. Even with the power I have they sound wonderful. I also have the external crossover.

Does anyone have a manual for the speakers? Are you willing to run off a copy?
I agree with Ben,the Snell A2's are a classic.But many components make these sound a little slow,little too thick and imprecise.I changed the woofer surrounds for very thin rubber (no foam),all the caps for audiophile grade ones,all cabling for good cabling (i used vanden Hul silver cable around 1984-i'd buy Nordost,Kimber or XLO now)and good set of spikes.Result:enormous improvement.Speakers sound best with very good amplifier and tight sounding(i have a Mark Levinson No.23;but guess sound will be even better with Goldmund Mimises 9-that is the amp i'd like to have next)
For what it's worth,i found the Mirage M1 sound similar (not the same-just a little darker and a little less dynamics).Listened to these around 1989,have the A2 since 1980 -bought them new after listening to 50 speakers.
im still using my type a2 for the past 20 years i agree w/michell about the power requirements.but im currently using high powered tube electronics.audioresearch D79B (2) bi amp w/ audioresearch EC21 electronic crossover 300/385 cutoff 6db slope. i also use audioresearch D250 mk2 servo and audioresearch classic 150 monoblocks. this electronics matches the snells well.
Question: How would the Snell A/II speakers sound with a McIntosh MC-275 amp? Would this not be enough power? If not, what high quality tube amp could I get away with at a price that is not say higher than $5000?