Further adventures: trying out different firmware versions, and yes there are slight differences between a few of them, I’ve settled on the latest for both the PWT and PWDII. Sorry I won’t get to hear the earlier versions but as bsme85 points out, they’re not compatible with my DAC.
The issue of shrillness is not really solved, but having done some extensive comparisons between the PWT and my Cambridge Audio CXU, it would be a noticeable step backwards to rely on the latter for my CDs because the image, detail, and resolution of the PWT are so compelling that it would be like going back to high school after completing a graduate degree. Regardless of how much fun you had in high school (I didn’t, but that’s a different story) you wouldn’t want to go back, having graduated and moved on.
I’m pretty sure a speaker transplant would give me what I want, but where to go from the Proacs? They’re very appealing speakers, if a little forward and bright.
The issue of shrillness is not really solved, but having done some extensive comparisons between the PWT and my Cambridge Audio CXU, it would be a noticeable step backwards to rely on the latter for my CDs because the image, detail, and resolution of the PWT are so compelling that it would be like going back to high school after completing a graduate degree. Regardless of how much fun you had in high school (I didn’t, but that’s a different story) you wouldn’t want to go back, having graduated and moved on.
I’m pretty sure a speaker transplant would give me what I want, but where to go from the Proacs? They’re very appealing speakers, if a little forward and bright.