Rega RP8 or Technics SL1200G

I'm a bit reluctant to post this "either or question" because I know that everything in this hobby is subjective, but here goes.

I currently have a Rega RP3-24 with an Exact 2 and I want to upgrade to my final turntable. I have read all the reviews that are available on both tables and both received stellar reviews, although Fremer stated that his RP8 sample table ran a little fast. I like the simplicity of the RP8 ($3000), however, I also like the adjustability of the SL1200G ($4000) which eases the task of trying different cartridges, although I don't plan on swapping out cartridges very often. On the other hand, I am not adverse to using spacers to adjust VTA on the Rega so I can try  non Rega cartridges. 

So it really comes down to which table sounds better, which is built better, etc. I would like to hear from anyone who owns or has heard either of these tables. I won't have the opportunity to audition either one.

I listen to rock, jazz and some classical.

The rest of my system is:
Cayin A-88T MKII Integrated with Gold Lion KT88's or Svetlana Winged C EL34  
PS Audio GCPH w/Underwood Mod (planning to upgrade to Parasound JC3+)
Harbeth SHL5 Plus 40th Anniversary
Rega Apollo-R
Accuphase T101
Cables: Morrow PH4 to phone preamp 

Thanks in advance.

shadorne, wrote:

"That Technics TT is a legend - the 1200G is the best yet - technically outstanding. Relatively speaking, Rega is very good but is more of a cool looking design which is gimmicky rather than purely functional - not really in the same league. Professional device vs awesome looking audiophile jewelry."

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@avanti1960 " consider the VPI prime."

Sorry, not a fan of the unipivot arm.

Thanks for your comments, very helpful.
You have appeared to narrow this down to 2 very different turntables. I appreciate that you like the plug and play approach so to speak, but they are different, and do sound different.
As opposed to looking at the technical spec so to speak - have a listen and let that dictate to you. 
I found the sound of the Technics rather clanky which doesn’t work for me. Is it the arm? I’m no material scientist, couldn’t tell you. Maybe the G is better in this regard.
@viridian The SL-1200G is a ground-up new design, and should only be compared to older SL-1200s by looks only. In terms of sound it is considerably more neutral- it has better vibration damping, tighter speed regulation and improved materials in the tone arm.

Put another way, I'm not certain I'd recommend the older SL-1200s over a Rega, but with the new one its a no-brainer.