Are Magnepan MG-IIIa speakers problematic?

I have read on different postings how magnepans are difficult to setup, difficult to maintain, and basically are like a high-maintenance girlfriend or wife. I have the opportunity to purchase a pair of MG-IIIA speakers. I would love some feedback...Thanks...Also, can you still get support for them through Magnepan?
Your never to young to get started with this fun hobby, I'm only 22 and have been at it for years! Congratulations on your entry to hi-fi :o)
Tireguy you are just 22?!?!?!? I thought you were much older. Please take it as a compliment! :)
Check the ribbons for visual clues of misshaping. This would be due to thermal build up. That would mean, since the speakers ribbons had an expressed finite lifespan, that they may need replacing.
If they sound good, and have no visual damage, go for it.
They are wonderful.
As to placement, if you want to email me I will be glad to walk you through it.
I have set up about a 100000000 pairs of Maggies. HA!
Seriously, glad to help if you need it.
Like anything old, they wear out. But, where does one find the parts for the speakers? No way to email the Magnepan company, seems they just want you to call.

I am in need of a tweeter on my MGIIIa.

Anybody know where I might have success in acquiring one?


Surferm 10, HI.Well U really cant go wrong with Mcintosh.And U will, i think, love the maggies.three months ago i bought a pair of mg-3.Driving them with a pair of class a mono amps.May i suggest a Bottle Head preamp.A tube pre that U can buy as a kit or fully assembled.Or wait for one to come up for sale on a-gon or ebay.