snapsc: As requested above, my thoughts on how my Ohm Walsh 2000s "do" piano: I have owned these speakers since 2009, and IMHO, are timbre champs. They also excel at getting transients right, a must for piano reproduction. I do use mine with a pair of Vandy 2Wq subs, which would be a budget buster for you, but I would encourage a home audition of whichever model is the right size for your room (guide to room size is on the Ohm web site).
Piano recordings are all over the map in terms of true-to-life sound. But I have found better recordings of piano to sound terrific on my 2000s. I really love the piano that accompanies Norah Jones on "The Nearness of You". It is well recorded, and causes an emotional response every time I hear it on my rig. But it is important to identify some really well-recorded piano pieces for your auditioning. Listen for resonance of the sound board on the left-hand keys, and a combination of smoothness and transient snap on the right-hand keys. But know that some recordings preclude the ability to hear these things on any loudspeaker, regardless of price.