Auditorium 23 with Dynavector 20x2l?

I have an A23 available locally for a good price - it's the one voiced for the Denon 103. Wondering if it would work with my DV20x2l? Same output voltage of .3mv but I think the Denon has a significantly higher output impedance. Can anyone give me some guidance on this? Thanks - Dave
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Good evening. After reaching out to ask Don if the higher impedance Step Up is a good match with Dynavector, please chime back in and let us know what he advised. I was simply pointing you in the direction of someone who should be able to answer your question. All the best.

the Dyna has a much lower impedance than the Denon 103 for which the A23 step-up was designed.

if it helps, i have a 20x2 that i run into Dyna’s own SUP-200 SUT and it’s a fabulous combination.
So to follow up I've called two dealers - Don Better one of them - and both said that the DV20x2l would work with the A23 standard. Don suggested the SUT-200 as a better fit but of course it's $2600. I'm listening to less vinyl these days and actually making this move to lower my investment in my vinyl rig. I got a good deal on a used A23 and it's on the way so I'll report back. Figured I could try a dl-103 on it while I'm at it and compare.