JAM by Duelund

Has anyone tried these new reasonably priced tinned copper caps from Duelund in any positions?


Any more feedback on JAM caps?

 You've recommended Arizona Cactus + Jupiter Copper combination which is potentially better than Duelund. Is the cactus + Jupiter combination better than JAM in your opinion?
I personally like Jupiter copper foils as much as Duelund CAST and more than the Duelund RS. The JAM is not as good as RS .... well they are under the RS in the Duelund Line. I would go with 100% Jupiter Copper foils.  This is especially true in electronics.  Not sure if these are for crossovers or elsewhere? 
I have to Agree with ZGranny.  The Jupiter foil is just a great cap it does take 
All of 400+ hours to fully develop. Thr Arizona cactus Blue say 20% of the value 
Of the Jupiter makes a great combo the Aluminum foil in oil for whatever  reason works.
 the Japanese team who developed the cactus caps had,tin as well as Copper 
With the specific Mineral oil Aluminum just works well. magical and he uses this in his amps in Japan. 
These caps add a bit of air and depth . Together a great team and much less $$ to the Duelund Cast. The toe jams are still very good But the Jupiter Copper ,
Blue Cactus combo is excellent. I have in my preamp as well as cap- s to my Voxativ driver  which will let you know if it is not natural to the ear.
@grannyring @audioman58 I ask your expert advise on caps choice regarding my speaker crossover. I'm using pure audio Project Horn1 (not the Leonidas crossover)

Crossover currently has 20uF cap installed. Jupiter copper or Arizona cactus doesn't have such high value available. Ideally I'd like to use 18uf reasonable prices cap + 2.2uF top quality ones. That's the right course of action without breaking the bank, right? What combination and values do you suggest?

FYI, I value smooth/musical yet detailed and transparent sound. And I'm ready to sacrifice little detail for smooth/organic/meaty sound if I have to make a choice.
To Radiohead99
Look for the New Clarity CSA, c for Copper ends a excellrnt cap for the money and clear  you have roughly 5% you can go over tolerance wiithout issue..
I have a 68uf cap in the Leonitis crossover this way my Voxativ driver just operates from 350hz on up.  Just factor in a 15uf clarity 250v which is more thrn enough volts, a 3.3Jupiter copper, and a 2.2Arizona Blue cactus  Jupiter condenser 
Sells both caps  that is s perfect match . The Jupiter is a 100v  for Loudspeaker
You are pulling less then 15 volts on average. Good luck and slliw a minimum of 300 hours runin