aluminum platter vs Acrylic not what I thought

I recently got to hear a VPI scout with an aluminum platter and various platter mats.  I am having a hard time trying to understand where the fascination with aluminum is coming from.  The acrylic sounds far better.  Its not even close to my ears.  Is it that some people just never heard the scout with the acrylic platter?  I would strongly encourage anyone who is looking for a used scout with an acrylic platter to really take a good look at it.  It sounds much more like real music and for what these used scouts are going for, they are an incredible value.  Maybe its just system/cartridge synergy.  I actually thing the scout with the acrylic platter sounds just as good if not better and quieter than the classic with the aluminum platter.  The scout sounds more like an older Aries than the Classic does.  The advantage of the classic is the longer arm but I mean for many people, I am not sure you can do much better table than the scout with the acrylic platter for anywhere near to what they go for used and I would say they you could look at tables costing much more and still not get the music satisfaction in many ways that the scout accomplishes.  They just seem to portray the musical experience in a way that sounds right.  Aries and scoutmasters with acrylic have to sound killer.  The only platter that is as good that VPI made are there lead and hybrid metal aluminum/acrylic platter tables.  I think VPI is going in the wrong direction with aluminum.  To me the disadvantages far outweigh the benefits.  Others may disagree but if you find scout w/acrylic for a good deal, I would be all over it.  Sometimes you just don't know what ya have so I will probably hang on to mine for a while.
Dear Thom, My apologies for my error in guessing at the materials used to make your Gavia platter. PVC not Delrin. PVC is probably better than Delrin for matching the energy transfer to that of vinyl, because it IS vinyl. Did you ever consider selling platters per se, for use with other brands of turntable? PVC platters could become quite popular as an aftermarket add-on to a VPI or SOTA, for example. I could foresee legal issues, however. But on the other hand, many aftermarket suppliers sell platter mats intended to replace OEM mats.

Hi Lew,

I have trouble keeping this straight sometimes ;-) The PVC layer (in the Gavia platter) and brass layer (Stelvio platter) are hidden under the carbon fiber top plate. The efficacy of a carbon top layer was surprising to me (first employing graphite, then carbon fiber).  Frankly, I never expected the brass layer to work, but obviously the staged material transition I referenced above works with these materials.

As I began to compose this reply, I started thinking about what it would take to do aftermarket platters - whether solid PVC or the more exotic ones.  I was seriously pondering some sort of shared-risk group venture with a few willing VPI owners.

Three key challenges would be (1) developing a reliable QC process. (2) Individually matching platters to bearings and (3) possible changes to the mass equation.

My current QC process involves everything that's released from the shop being auditioned with real music (after measurements are taken). Perhaps this isn't an issue - as long as the platter/bearing set meets the runout (eccentricity) specification.

With respect to bearing/platter matching, my current production flow begins with bearings that are initially oversized by a few thousandths (at the bearing platter interface). After the platters are complete, the bearings are individually trimmed to match each platter.

For an aftermarket scenario, I'd have to reverse this process by matching platters to existing bearings. I believe this is possible to do while leaving the platter on the end mill. Removing the platter before completion could add significant production time, but more importantly, it could compromise the runout - the eccentricity of the platter perimeter with respect to the platter/bearing center.

With respect to the mass equation, turntables (for how few parts they have) are complex, interactive beasts. For all I know, VPI has tuned their drive system to specific platter masses and a change to PVC or a composite platter could upset everything.

I think I just talked myself out of it.

... Thom @ Galibier Design
well it definitely tracks better.  Sounds more controlled.  May be less air than the original.  not sure.  The big plus is the tracking.  Tracks fantastic compared to the original.  
I think the VPI Scout, scoutmaster, aries, tnt etc. could be a good platform for aftermarket platters.  They are very sound designs.  now with this newer arm on the scout, you can definitely use moving coil, no problem.  I know VPI recommends mostly moving magnet with their newer scout but I have to say I think the newer stainless jmw 9 is worthy of better.
" VPI has tuned their drive system to specific platter masses and a change to PVC or a composite platter could upset everything."

I have not kept up with the most current offerings, but the original Hurst motor that VPI used (whether 600 or 300 rpm) has been used with their platters from less than 10 pounds to well over 20 pounds with and without VERY heavy flywheel accessories, with and without a 7 pound peripheral weight and heavy center weight and with oils of dramatically different viscosity. Hard to see why it could not drive virtually anything.

Too bad (for a third party platter) that VPI gave up its non-inverted bearing. For then the platter’s center bore was all the way through and not as critical since it fit loosely over the bearing, but held tight by a small O-ring.

As I hinted above I personally think the old bearing is superior as it permits a constant oil bath, and is far easier to work on if needed or desired. I believe the newer inverted bearing is cheaper for them to produce.

Pierre Lurne who designed TT's for Goldmund and his own

Audiomeca used acrylic and lead for all his platters. I owned

his Audiomeca J1 which platter was 8kg weight thanks to the

lead ''loading''. But, if I remember well, there was no mat  included.

This suggest the assumption that acrylic platter don't need a mat.

My Kuzma Stabi Reference also use acrylic but in combo with

aluminum plates instead of lead. Kuzma however provided his

 platter with his own  made mat from ''textile'' and some additive.

Because my ''German artillery'' consisting of Basis Exclusive,

Emitter II , two transformer - and two battery power supply

also use acrylic  I stated to be ''loaded with acrylic''. I somehow

 seem to ''attract'' acrylic. Lew advised '' loading'' with Slivovitz

instead. Well I can assure him that my cellar is (also) loaded with

 this ''best plum brandy'' in the world. Made in Serbia btw (grin).