Did I just ruin my amp

First, this is my first tube amp hence the dumb mistake.  Over the past few days my stereo has been making an intermittent high pitch squealing sound which I thought was caused by some ground or feedback issue but now see was a power tube dying.  Yesterday my wife said she heard some weird sound coming from the speakers. She called me in and I saw what looked like fire in one of the power tubes. I immediately unplugged everything and that is where things now stand. Help on what to do next would be appreciated. I have a full set of extra power tubes which I was thinking of putting in the amp but I wanted to hear from more experienced people before doing this. Thanks. 
What you saw was a tube arcing.  I saw it once on a Rogue Cronus Magnum.  The tube had a blue arc going up and down it.  I replaced the tube and also the fuse that was in line with each tube, then had to rebias.
I think @stereo5 is correct, it’s alarming but nothing to worry about. Depending on what the amp is you may have also lost a protection resistor. I used to own AirTight amps that blew power tubes with great regularity and every time I needed to solder in a new resistor. Needless to say I keep plenty on hand

let us know what amp it was
Thanks that makes me feel better. It’s an melody el34 PP amp. Unfortunately I don’t know how to replace the fuses. About all I can do is replace tubes but I am willing to learn!
I am a tube newbie too, I am still trying to understand the whole bias thing, please make sure you read your manual carefully on how to install new tubes.  I believe some require bias adjustments while other amps have self bias for same class of tubes.