Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo

HI fellow ’goners.
I own the Shahinians, thinking of upgrading to the Treos. The Obelisks sound a little smallish for the room... And the room is not square, it's a big living area of a house, with access to the second floor's roof. 
Will this be an upgrade or just a sideward move?
Room approx 60m2, driven by Musical Fidelity A5.5, 250wpc at 8Ohm (thinking of replacing this one too).
Mostly jazz and acoustic music, less frequently - classical and pop.

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Thanks and Happy Holidays kavakat 1.
 Most likely the only post ever on here that mentions my home town !

I think you have something there and taking a pic of the threads is the best way to go.
Post it on the Virtual Systems page.
This is really odd.
i called the sage of Hanford..left a message..

you might be on your own till Tuesday, ( put that on repeat in your CD player )

if by some crazy chance I get an answer will post it up
Can you please measure the distance between the floor and 1. back and 2. front bottom parts of the speaker: I am trying to determine the length of spikes and cones. What is the difference between front and Back, how much are they tilted in your case?