Biggest impact: moving from integrated to separates

I am slowly moving to separates from my Cronus Magnum integrated amp. So far, I’ve upgraded the Phono stage to a Pass Labs XP-15. I’m now looking for the next upgrade. I will need an amp and a line stage preamp. My budget is @ $3K and I am looking for the biggest bang for the buck. Which upgrade should come next? I would like anything I upgrade to have balanced connections (for linestage both ins and outs.)

I’m a big fan of the Mytek Brooklyn. Balanced outs to my Bryston 14B ST. Very good sound and versatile. I run it off an RV battery and it's very quiet.
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I also found that my last few preamps were the bottleneck. I bought a c-j Classic 2SE and it was a huge improvement . I have used it with several amps and they all sounded better with it driving them.

I don’t know how much power you would need but sometimes a nice tube pre and a decent SS amp are a good choice.

If you have efficient speakers and 40 watts will do, Quicksilvers Mid Mono amps and Line level preamp are under 3k and are great. I own the amps and love them. Are they better than your Rogue? Hard to say because they make really good equipment too. So what ever you narrow it down to, if you can audition that’s going to save you some disappointment .  I've had some well respected gear on demo and it just didn't gel in my system.