Goldenear Reference Vs. Focal Sopra #2.....pocket the $5k difference and don't look back?

I've listened to both, and each has its pluses and minuses. Unfortunately, I can't listen to them side by side as they are at different dealers.  :-( 
I listen to a lot of classic rock and I'm not sure the Focals are up for the challenge. The Refs sound a bit fuller (to my ears) and I think adapt better to rock music....especially with the built in subs. 
Obviosly the Focal are GORGEOUS and sound incredible...but for $5k ish more?

Im looking to buy one or the other in the next 30 days. Any advise or input would be helpful.


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Stereo 5, I know we are close in proximity ... I was wondering did Audio Concepts have the top of the line Golden Ears on display to demo or did you order them based on your satisfaction of the pair before?   


I bought the References based on my owning the Triton Ones and being totally satisfied with them.  I never went to the store, I ordered them from Pete Freeman and stayed in touch with him until her personally delivered them to me.  Pete told me they will be closing their retail store in North Attleboro at the beginning of 2018 and will be doing strictly internet sales.

Sorry if anyone thought I was being disparaging about 'serious listening' and the GoldenEars. All I meant was when I decide to listen to music, I usually chose the room with the Focal Sopra 3's.

I'm not saying anything bad about the GoldenEars with music. The room with the Sopras used to have a pair of Focal Electra Be1027's, and back then I chose to do 'serious' music listening with the GoldenEars.

They are both really good speakers, we're lucky to have such a great choice at these price points !
Pete is a good guy,  I’ve purchased a few items from those guys ... it’s a shame they are closing their brick and mortar.  

That certainly says says a lot about Golden Ears Tritons for you to take a leap of faith like that.  Enjoy