The Townsend springs clearly isolate whatever is above them from vibrations coming from below. So from exterior vibration. My main concern has been what is the effect adding those springs in terms of the system vibration itself (turntable spinning, motor, cartridge reading vinyl vibration....).
The video demos of the Townsend vibrapods under speakers show a deadening of ringing when the speakers are tapped, when sitting on the pods. However, in some of my tests using the ipad app, it seems I get a bit more ringing showing up on the tap test with the ipad or turntable sitting on the springs. Which seems understandable if you are tapping something sitting on wiggly springs. That doesn’t seem like a good thing.
But I seem to remember this ringing reduces with the amount of weight I put on the springs - e.g. if I add the butchers block along with the turntable on the springs. Perhaps the pods need to be loaded with a certain amount of weight before they also help reduce ringing from the item they are holding up. Does this make sense to you?
The Townsend springs clearly isolate whatever is above them from vibrations coming from below. So from exterior vibration. My main concern has been what is the effect adding those springs in terms of the system vibration itself (turntable spinning, motor, cartridge reading vinyl vibration....).
The video demos of the Townsend vibrapods under speakers show a deadening of ringing when the speakers are tapped, when sitting on the pods. However, in some of my tests using the ipad app, it seems I get a bit more ringing showing up on the tap test with the ipad or turntable sitting on the springs. Which seems understandable if you are tapping something sitting on wiggly springs. That doesn’t seem like a good thing.
But I seem to remember this ringing reduces with the amount of weight I put on the springs - e.g. if I add the butchers block along with the turntable on the springs. Perhaps the pods need to be loaded with a certain amount of weight before they also help reduce ringing from the item they are holding up. Does this make sense to you?