Full-sounding SS amps (besides Pass)

Speaker interactions aside, what solid state amp brands/designers tend to have a fuller sound these days? Not necessarily warm or tubey per se, but fleshed out in the upper bass and harmonically complete in the midrange, as opposed to lean. E.g. an Australian ME Sound amp I have from a while back has this quality, without sounding overtly warm. 

Obvious candidates: Pass, Luxman. What else?

Cost no object, feel free to throw out one-liners. Think of it as a poll.  (Please don't answer tubes though, thanks. :D )
Another example: original Bryston B60, circa 2000. Listening to it now (with some light mods) and while it isn't the last word in transparency, the lower midrange is really lovely. I haven't heard the newer models but I hear they are leaner-sounding.
@sufentanil ah yes, McCormack, have heard that one and would concur. Also have heard that about Plinius SA-100 but I hear the newer models are not as juicy? Or perhaps it's the integrateds that are a little cool.

@twoleftears adding Sugden to the list. Class A also reminds me, I've heard Clayton is another good one.
@gsm18439 @gnostalgick have not heard of those, will check them out.

Keep 'em coming! :)
Based on limited auditions, I'd add the Chord SPM 1200 Mk. II to this list as well.
Parasound Halo A21, runs the first 10 watts in Class A and has a full bodied sound.