Two left ears you miss my point entirely, I was not dissing either player, I was stating that you should consider a player that also has digital inputs so you can use a digital streaming service if you ever decide to do so.
As per not owning a cell phone that is your choice and DSL internet still doesn't mean that the internet is useless.
The idea of my retort was to open your eyes to the possibility of having access to the future as well as the past.
CD's are a dying medium it is true that there are still people making them but the reaility is that there is no future in a pure optical medium, hence the idea of a player with a digital input if you ever decide to use it at least you have it.
As per both players we used to sell both brands. The Hegel is the better of the two brands in terms of overall performance.
I would not touch an older Esoteric player as parts and service are sketchy. You should look for a player with a computer rom based mechanisim as the computer industry is still using CD Rom drives as an option for some machines.
Bryston's has a tweenty year warranty I would check on the digital I think it is three years and if possible purchase a back up mechanisim.
Hope that helps.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
As per not owning a cell phone that is your choice and DSL internet still doesn't mean that the internet is useless.
The idea of my retort was to open your eyes to the possibility of having access to the future as well as the past.
CD's are a dying medium it is true that there are still people making them but the reaility is that there is no future in a pure optical medium, hence the idea of a player with a digital input if you ever decide to use it at least you have it.
As per both players we used to sell both brands. The Hegel is the better of the two brands in terms of overall performance.
I would not touch an older Esoteric player as parts and service are sketchy. You should look for a player with a computer rom based mechanisim as the computer industry is still using CD Rom drives as an option for some machines.
Bryston's has a tweenty year warranty I would check on the digital I think it is three years and if possible purchase a back up mechanisim.
Hope that helps.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ