Dude, where's my bass? Oh, lost to stiffened rubber surrounds...who knew?

Started a thread on "Cables" re: better cables to help restore bass to my B&W CM-4 speakers...so while preparing and listening to speakers for cable evaluation, our daughter - who has very acute hearing, unlike my senior ears! - noticed sort of a "crackling" sound in left speaker, and sure enough, removing cloth speaker covers, we notice a 6cm hairline fracture in the surround of the mid-range cone.  In fact, checking the rubber surrounds of bass and mid-range cones in both speakers, there were significant areas of stiffened and brittle rubber material, which - I would presume - drastically muted the speaker responses to incoming audio signal.  So, what to do?  Can the surrounds themselves be replaced w/o impairing cone native sonic qualities?  Totally new area here for me, having never dealt with material failure or deterioration in speaker components.  Suggestions most welcome!
Speaker cones do age, and the surrounds even more. These speakers were introduced quite a while ago, so they may be fairly old. Degradation is faster in the sun or close to a heating system, of course.
Some people manage to replace the surrounds, but I would not expect the speaker to sound exactly like the original.
Check with Bill LeGall at Millersound (http://www.millersound.net/index.html).  He can advise you as to whether it's cost-effective to repair your speakers or not.  Dick
There are professionals that can replace the surrounds and the speakers can sound as good as new. You would just need to do a google search or I don't doubt that someone here on Audiogon can make a recomadation as to a person/business/website.