Bybee Speaker Bullets?

Bybee Golden Goddess "Super Effect" Speaker Bullets...
$4200.00... Tweak or bona fide upgrade?

Was wondering if anybody has had the opportunity or deep pockets to try this particular tweak,and if so ,would love to hear your opinion,impression, or any other comments.

Larry, I'm afraid I can't. I borrowed a pair privately for a few days and then by a fluke chance got a pair at much less cost used from a Scandinavian audiogoner, who had advertised here.
Mike Garner has them at
I was bowled over by the Bybee Super Effect products.
We used the bullets on the topend of NHT V3T speakers.
This was a clear wow with A/B on and off for clarity and
space and smoothness.
I guess if it doesn't sound different than it isn't worth the price of admission. IMHO, YMMV.
See my audiogon review of the Ultra.PowerCord for further thoughts and details on a similar product.
Oh ,also,
The New Grand Veena has one
Super Effect Bybee Module
in each speaker, on the mid range and tweeter I think.
Spectron has a new factory upgrade
on the current Musician 3SE
with 2 SuperEffect Bybee and one regular Bybee module in the Amp.
These are OEM of course as the SuperEffect Bybee module is not available for diy.
With all respect to Rod, who of course is free to feel "bowled over" as he puts it, I would like to repeat that I was pleased by the effect of the bullets which they had on my system, I bought a pair after all, but on my stators the effect was not that huge. I have been using Bybees of all shapes and sizes right from the beginning when they first came out. I have always noticed a positive effect, no matter where I put, or soldered them into.It generally made the music a tad more "real" to my ears. Swapping ICs or rolling tubes had however generally a greater effect in the sense of being "bowled over". The reason for this seems to me, that by doing so the entire musical presentation of your system can be changed. Not so with the Bybees, their effect is such, that the voicing of your system will be the same, but there will just be a tiny bit "more" to heard of what your system -within its limits - has to offer, is capable of. As I said, the musical presentation seems to be a bit more real to these here old ears.
By the way, the best way to test the effect of these devices I found, is not only to compare the sound with or without them in the chain, but to compare just one channel with and the other channel without them on a mono recording in your stereo. You will notice the effect quite easily, because the channel with the Bybees will have more presence somehow. You can even increase this effect slightly, by using more of these things until there is no more difference discerned. Again, the overall effect is slight, but certainly there. If it is worth the cost lies in the ears of the listener.