@noble100 How inappropriate. In fact I’m not ignorant, I speak from fact and after ownership of several higher-level N-Core Class D amps within the past year. None came close to giving the musical pleasure and satisfaction of my current Class A/AB amps. You can grandstand and type away until your fingers are red but it won’t change my opinion."
Hi jaybe,
I had no intention of offending you with my prior post. I think it just strikes a nerve with me when I read comments that repeat that old refrain about class D amps being only good enough for subwoofers and not for reproducing the entire audio spectrum with high fidelity. I consider that criticism valid for some earlier brands/models of class D amps but not valid at all for the class D amps I own as well as many other current brands/models.
I agree that good sound is subjective and system matching is important for achieving the system sound you prefer in your system and room. I also believe there may be poorly understood and unidentified sound artifacts with class D amplification that some are able to hear that others, like myself, are unable to detect. At this point, it's hard to prove but still a possibility.
I think it's important to tell you I was not calling you ignorant, I was careful to call your statement ignorant. The difference? I believe you're experienced in audio matters and capable of knowing whether you like the performance of a component or not but conveying that good quality class D amps are only useful as sub amps is not accurate anymore, at least not for all individuals.
I also may not have been clear enough in my post that I was making comparisons between good quality class A/B amps like the Aragon and Adcom amps I replaced with good quality class D amps such as the Class D Audio, Emerald Physics and the D-Sonic amps I replaced them with.
I don't know which class D amps you auditioned in your system and whether they'd be generally considered good quality class D amps. However, I noticed you finally settled on a Pass class A/B amp for your system. I would consider almost any Pass class A/B amp to be beyond 'good' and suggest you were comparing a possibly good class D amp or amps to 'one of the best' class A/B amps available. I'm not surprised you preferred the Pass in this comparison but would point out that this is a somewhat apples to oranges comparison.
I think a more worthwhile comparison for you would be between your Pass amp and Mola Mola Kartuga or Merrill Audio Veritas mono-blocks that are in a more similar quality and price range.
You seem to be very pleased with your Pass amp's performance in your system and I have no interest in trying to persuade you to do anything but enjoy it.