Infinity Renaissance 90 -VS- VMPS RM 30 OR RM 40.

I am very interested in speakers that use planar mids and ribbon tweeters. I have heard and read alot of really good things about the classic Infinity Rennaissance 90's as well as the VMPS ribbon monitors.
Has anyone out there heard or owned both the Infinity Renaissance 90, and the VMPS RM 30 or VMPS RM 40 loudspeakers and/or compared them?
If so, how do the VMPS and the Infinitys compare sonically head-to-head?
Which has the best highs and top-end?
Which has the best mids?
Which is the most detailed and transparent?
Any comments would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Doesnt Eminent Technology license the use of their technology to VMPS? I cant say for sure but I think that is the case, if so Plato's statement doesnt add up as far as dissing the ET'S.....although I hear the VMPS is a great speaker, I bet ET's have much more detail overall, but may be thinner in the bass
Hi Chad,

I don't have any idea where you heard that but as good as ET might be, their is no license between companies.

I sometimes wonder were these rumors begin.

All VMPS midrange drivers are purchased and specifically modified by VMPS.

Your bass response assessment is likely correct, but the midrange and HF sonics will be "vastly" different.

The most significant difference is that the ET is a dipolar radiator and thusly incorporates room interaction in its sound. The backwave will "add" room sound to the overall presentation.

VMPS is monopole in operation and will not use room reflection to create the soundstage, since any room reflection distorts the original signal at the listening postition.

Just to point out the most signifcant differences.
I dont know if that was right or not, I stated that with caution, guess I was wrong
VMPS does not license from ET. Sonigistix, the OEM for the panels used now by VMPS was a lisencee of Eminent Tech. When Sonigistix closed shop VMPS bought these planar drivers in large quantities.

Speaking from personal experience ET's are some of the fastest speakers around, with exceedingly low distortion figures (for the LFT VI <.04% HD, 100 Hz - 20KHz, 90 db, 1 meter) as well as some of the select few that can pass a square wave (read they 're transient perfect). And yes they can sound a bit thin at the low end depending on system and set up of course, but nothing that a good sealed sub can't fix.
Well the VMPS RM40s once heard will not be forgotten.
I've owned a pair for a few years now and must say they are amazing. They do it all better than any speaker I've heard, with the exception of the somewhat narrow sweet spot. I'm running mine with a newly aquired DK Design VS.1 integrated amp (this amp is the best sounding amp I've had on my RM40s).
If you can accomadate them, they may do for you what they've done for me.... blow u away!!!