You definitely need a phono amp to use the turntable. Just to get him up and running, you don’t have to spend much, but if you’re looking for the best possible sound quality, you should find out the model of turntable and the cartridge/needle (if it’s functional) and ask for more feedback with a post on the analog page. Include in your question a budget range and you’ll probably get several great suggestions that fit your needs. You’ll get suggestions here but more people with that expertise will see it if you post in that section too.
If the current turntable doesn’t have a working cartridge, the same can be said for that component as the phono amp.
Since digital is likely to be his most used source, a DAC or streaming device with built-in DAC would also be a good investment. A chromecast audio gets him playing cheaply and easily, but there are better sounding options if you/he wants to spend more. Bluetooth receivers are an option but usually have worse sound quality than things that utilize your wireless network.
Lastly, you need cables to connect everything. You might have these already and just not bothered mentioning them. Interconnects from turntable to phono amp, phono amp to preamp, each other source to the preamp, a set from the preamp to the power amp, and speaker cables between the amp and speakers. Just starting out, there’s no need to go crazy here, but don’t forget about them when picking other items or you’ll end up over budget...even budget friendly options add up when buying several sets. Monoprice has good quality, inexpensive cables if you need them. Used cables are also a great option.
I agree with skipping the equalizer...especially for now.
Do you have a budget in mind for the full system?
If the current turntable doesn’t have a working cartridge, the same can be said for that component as the phono amp.
Since digital is likely to be his most used source, a DAC or streaming device with built-in DAC would also be a good investment. A chromecast audio gets him playing cheaply and easily, but there are better sounding options if you/he wants to spend more. Bluetooth receivers are an option but usually have worse sound quality than things that utilize your wireless network.
Lastly, you need cables to connect everything. You might have these already and just not bothered mentioning them. Interconnects from turntable to phono amp, phono amp to preamp, each other source to the preamp, a set from the preamp to the power amp, and speaker cables between the amp and speakers. Just starting out, there’s no need to go crazy here, but don’t forget about them when picking other items or you’ll end up over budget...even budget friendly options add up when buying several sets. Monoprice has good quality, inexpensive cables if you need them. Used cables are also a great option.
I agree with skipping the equalizer...especially for now.
Do you have a budget in mind for the full system?