Audiomat... where to buy?

I am going to buy an Audiomat Arpège Référence. The Audiomat website shows the Mutine is the distributor for the US. I emailed the Mutine for purchase information, but have not received their reply yet. Does anyone know any other sources for buying Audiomat amps? Thanks!
MUTINE , located in Montreal, is the full North American distributor for AUDIOMAT,

AUDIOMAT has only limited product distribution around the world for this French product line. So..... unless you have the kohonas the size of church bells to buy it direct from a Euro dealer, you are stuck.
And that’s not recommended because it will only be that local country Euro dealer warranty that applies with $$ shipping costs over the pond that applies,  with none provided by MUTINE.

i have heard from several sources that MUTINE -- a Quebecois distributor --moves primarily in an "edited" (ergo -- ranging from ultra slow crawl to just ignored and still waiting...) format to respond to emails, and that a phone call should be your preference .

To wit: Taken from the MUTINE website itself:


I took my semi-retirement in 2008; hence, I answer only to serious requests containing full information, including name, address, phone number and a short description of the expected information.

The constant variations of currencies and cariers’ charges prevent stable pricing.
Contact us for a quotation on a specific product, valid only for an order now.

For News, click on What’s New?

For after-sales questions, contact our Service Canters

About the philosophy I follow since 30 years, read The Art of Listening.

Before contacting us for a listening session, discover our approach in the Audio Zendo brochure.

Contact: by email at, or by phone at (514) 691-3961.

Musically yours...

Here you go....all the trials and tribulations posts of AUDIOMAT experiences in NA with MUTINE.....

caveat emptor .....
Another reason to think carefully about MUTINE .... PITA in having to send the unit back to MUTINE for tube replacements.

A sampler:

".... I know from experience that a Audiomat OPERA REFERENCE has to have the 4 El34L replaced my Mutine themselves.

They keep a record of each OPERA REFERENCE according to serial number and they then send El34L tubes which are numbered to fit the proper tube socket..."
Now I get my Audiomat Arpège Référence 10, and it is singing in my room:) 

Few days after my first email to Mutine, I emailed Audiomat directly, and they relayed it to Mutine. Then, the line was connected, and he helped a lot on answering my questions and getting me an Arpège Référence 10 very soon. I would say Pascal is not unresponsive. Probably he just wants to spend more energy on those who really love their products.